my family
my dad came from Malaysia when he was young, probably with only few tens of dollars. his dad passed away and he somehow cannot get along with his elder brothers. he worked very hard, selling toys, plastic. later on, he took up the job as a crane operator. amazingly, he raised four of us up single handedly. my mum is a full time housewife. therefore, my dad had to earn enough for a family of six. i still remember we all stay at Merparti ROad, near Circuit ROad Macpherson. Six of us slept in one bed room. Two double deckers and one queen size bed. There is only one path in the only bedroom we have. We have not much money for expensive toys. My mum used to let my elder brother play with flour ! ha ha. then we have small plastic soldiers toys that we played, acting out a war story. we have no TV at home. i have to go my neighbour house to watch TV. When our first TV came, we were so happy. . . but the TV only have one channel, channel 8. becos my mum and dad cannot understand English ! years passed. my eldest brother got a scholarship and went to New Zealand. my mum cannot sleep well for many nights. then slowly, we all grew up..... now we all grow up liao. miss my dad still. ... show you an old photograph, i am the youngest, so the shortest is me!